뉴스: 11월 2021
Nov 24, 2021
Telsonic AG is once again one of the winners of the Innovation Awards 2021/22
Innovation Award for Telsonic Ultrasonic by the Swiss Institute for Quality Tests (SIQT), now for the second time. The award goes to Swiss companies that have distinguished themselves through their innovative strength.
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Nov 2, 2021
Telsonic AG 품질관리시스템(ISO 9001/ISO 14001)의 재인증 합격
"본 인증에 합격함에 따라 이제 우리는 ISO 9001/ISO 14001에 따른 통합 관리시스템 인증서를 앞으로 3년 동안 보유하게 되었습니다".
++ 더 보기
Nov 24, 2021
Telsonic AG is once again one of the winners of the Innovation Awards 2021/22
Innovation Award for Telsonic Ultrasonic by the Swiss Institute for Quality Tests (SIQT), now for the second time. The award goes to Swiss companies that have distinguished themselves through their innovative strength.
Nov 2, 2021
Telsonic AG 품질관리시스템(ISO 9001/ISO 14001)의 재인증 합격
"본 인증에 합격함에 따라 이제 우리는 ISO 9001/ISO 14001에 따른 통합 관리시스템 인증서를 앞으로 3년 동안 보유하게 되었습니다".