뉴스: 12월 2017
Dec 22, 2017
Robot Mounted Ultrasonics Boost Productivity and Flexibility for Linecross Group
Telsonic’s Ultrasonic modules and systems have been designed to be
applied in a diverse number of ways. For many applications, where there
are few variations in part type or size, a dedicated automation solution is
often the most appropriate. However, where ultimate flexibility is required,
either due to the complex shape of a part or the need to process different
parts or products, then the most appropriate solution is often to mount the
ultrasonic technology to a 6-axis robot system.
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Dec 5, 2017
경량 구조를 위한 범용 절단 공정
오늘날 무게 감량은 많은 업계에서 혁신의 원동력으로 여겨지고 있습니다.
여기에는 특히 자동차 엔지니어링, 우주 항공 산업 그리고 의료 기술도 포함
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Dec 1, 2017
Telsonic’s Automotive Partnership Drives Forward
Partnership is a term synonymous with the automotive sector, however the true test of this is a successful long-term relationship between customer and supplier on multiple projects.
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Telsonic’s Ultrasonic modules and systems have been designed to be
applied in a diverse number of ways. For many applications, where there
are few variations in part type or size, a dedicated automation solution is
often the most appropriate. However, where ultimate flexibility is required,
either due to the complex shape of a part or the need to process different
parts or products, then the most appropriate solution is often to mount the
ultrasonic technology to a 6-axis robot system.
오늘날 무게 감량은 많은 업계에서 혁신의 원동력으로 여겨지고 있습니다.
여기에는 특히 자동차 엔지니어링, 우주 항공 산업 그리고 의료 기술도 포함
Partnership is a term synonymous with the automotive sector, however the true test of this is a successful long-term relationship between customer and supplier on multiple projects.