Sep 28, 2016

Telsonic PowerWheel® welds and crimps aluminium cable securely in tubular cable lug


Aluminium cables are used more and more in automotive on-board power supply systems

(Erlangen) An aluminium cable with a large cross-section is to be securely welded and crimped at the same time in a thick-walled tubular cable lug made of copper. What could not be solved by means of conventional processes can now be realised reliably with the PowerWheel® technology of Telsonic AG. With a high application of energy within a short time, the revolutionary ultrasonic welding process connects the aluminium cable with the copper contact. Furthermore, the tubular cable lug can be sealed securely by means of heat shrinkable tubing so that it is ensured that the material does not tear. This means that the ultrasonic welding or crimping technology established for copper-to-copper joints is now also available for aluminium-to-copper joints.


"Since we apply large amounts of energy to the joint zone in a highly concentrated manner within the shortest time using the PowerWheel® technology, we achieve a welded joint between the different materials that is closed by adhesive force," explains Axel Schneider, Sales Manager of the Swiss company TELSONIC AG. The procedure with the revolutionary PowerWheel® process with its unusual movement pattern results in a joint closed by adhesive force where only a positive fit is achieved using other processes. An on-board power supply system manufacturer can thus produce other connection cables in weight-saving aluminium without having to compromise on secure contacts.

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