Jun 11, 2024

Revolutionary Screw Solution for Silver-Plated Aluminum Busbars: A Case Study

Telsonic’s advanced torsional SONIQTWIST® welding technology has been successfully applied in a groundbreaking solution for fixing silver-plated aluminum busbars using screws. This innovation, developed in collaboration with the KERN-LIEBERS Group, a producer of precision stamped parts, promises to set new standards for reliability and conductivity in electrical connections for industrial applications.

The KERN-LIEBERS Group has pioneered a technique to coat aluminum busbars inline with silver. This silver coating enhances the busbars’ conductivity but poses a challenge for secure attachment using screws, due to the relaxation properties of aluminum. The solution requires the integration of a copper sleeve into the busbar, providing a durable and electrically conductive connection that allows for screw fixation.

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