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  • Nov 24, 2021
    Telsonic AG is once again one of the winners of the Innovation Awards 2021/22

    Siegel_eng_quer.jpg Innovation Award for Telsonic Ultrasonic by the Swiss Institute for Quality Tests (SIQT), now for the second time. The award goes to Swiss companies that have distinguished themselves through their innovative strength.

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  • Nov 2, 2021
    Re-certification of Telsonic AG quality management system (ISO 9001/ISO 14001) passed

    Titelbild_06a90e.jpg "With this audit, we now have a certificate for an integrated management system according to ISO 9001/ISO 14001 that is valid for 3 years."

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  • Jul 23, 2021
    Robots, Cobots & Ultrasonic Machines

    Titelbild_23e351.jpg The growing interest in collaborative robots has opened up a wider discus­sion on the whole topic of robots and automation. Changes in the industrial landscape as a consequence of the pandemic, combined with renewed interest in re-shoring and shortening supply chains has opened up multiple new opportunities for the introduction of robotics and automation.

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  • Jun 28, 2021
    Good Vibrations Enhance The Product Offering From Telsonic

    Titelbild_Website_06.jpg Since the company’s inception in 1966, Swiss based Telsonic has established an impressive record of delivering industry leading solutions for plastic welding, metal welding, cleaning and sieving using industrial ultrasonic technology. As a business with a philosophy of ongoing innovation and product development, Telsonic continuously seeks new ways to enhance value for customers.

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  • Mar 31, 2021
    Your opinion is important

    Titelbild_467b8a.jpg Telsonic customer satisfaction - ONLINE - As a customer of Telsonic, you rightly expect excellent performance. We would like your opinion on whether we have met these expectations in our collaboration and your level of satisfaction with our services. This is the only way we can continuously improve and consistently align ourselves with your wishes and needs as a customer.

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  • Feb 19, 2021
    Reliable bonding technology for autonomous driving

    Titelbild_907c9f.jpg Autonomous driving - For a long time, it has seemed like science fiction. Now it is increasingly becoming a reality. In the next 10 years, driving as we know it will undergo greater changes than in the last 30 years.

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