Telsonic offers a complete range of high and low-frequency vibration welding systems in Europe, Russia, North Africa, the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The long-standing partnership with South Korean manufacturer Daeyoung Ultrasonics and the expertise in vibration welding with on-site design and production allows us to harness our decades of knowledge. With first-class support and technical service, we develop our customer's specific applications, design and build vibration welding tools, and conduct mutual development in the prototype phase.
Advantages Customer benefits
- Suitable for nearly all thermoplastics (see here)
- For joining complex 3D-shaped plastic components of different sizes
- Very short process times possible
- Communication with external sources such as robots, conveyor systems
- Easy tool change
- Optionally available with infrared preheating as well
Sales and customer service
You can reach our competence teams either centrally or locally via our national subsidiaries in Germany and the USA.
Your direct contact to us vibrationwelding(at)
Competence Centre in Europe, Russia and North Africa: TELSONIC GmbH
Competence Center for USA, Canada, Mexico: TELSONIC Ultrasonics Inc.