Dr. Axel VietzeChief Executive Officer & ChairmanTELSONIC Group
Dr. Andreas RapsMember of the BoardTELSONIC Group
Thomas SchönenbergerChief Financial OfficerTELSONIC Group
Michael SchärChief Operation OfficerTELSONIC AG
Dirk SchnurChief Marketing OfficerTELSONIC AG
Mustafa AyabakanHead of Software and IT DevelopmentTELSONIC AG
Nicolas EggerHead of Mechanics & SystemsTELSONIC AG
Markus ScheuberGlobal Head of Business Unit Plastic WeldingTELSONIC AG
Dr. Stefan TrubeGlobal Head of BU Metal WeldingTELSONIC AG
David NortonManaging DirectorTELSONIC UK Ltd.
Christoph KonradManaging DirectorTELSONIC GmbH
Jochen BacherPresidentTELSONIC Ultrasonics Inc.
Darko JovanovicManaging DirectorTELSONIC doo
Michael PrimeauManaging DirectorTELSONIC Canada Inc.
Ricky LaiGeneral ManagerTELSONIC Ultrasonic Equipment Co., Ltd.
Sehoon SohnManaging DirectorTelsonic Korea Co., Ltd.